Sentiment Analysis

If the Internet was a mountain river, then analyzing user-generated content on social media and other platforms is like fishing during trout-spawning season. People enjoy sharing their points of view regarding the latest news, local and global events, and their experience as customers. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other similar social media platforms are favorite places for daily comment wars and spirited (to put it mildly!) conversations. News about political parties, celebrities, entrepreneurs, and global companies draw thousands of users within a couple of hours.

Why not use these data sources to monitor what people think and say about your political party, organization, product, service and why they perceive you this way? Sentiment analysis of brand mentions allows you to keep current with your credibility within the industry, identify emerging or potential reputational crises, to quickly respond to them. You can compare this month’s results and those from the previous quarter, for instance, and find out how your brand image has changed during this time.

If you are one out of below mentioned:

  • Political Party
  • Product Company
  • Service Provider
  • Celebrity
  • Brand

It’s not only important to know social media opinions about you or your organization or your product or about yourself, but also to define who is talking about it. Measuring mention tone can also help define whether industry influencers mention your brand, name and in what context.

And what’s more exciting, Secure India helps to our customers to perform sentiment analysis in real time and across all channels. Connect us at sales (at) secure india (dot) in or +91 – (nine)7-166-3(eight)3(four)0